Facts of healthy eating



We human beings are designed to have 2 meals a day maximum, NOT 4.

We eat to provide calories and nutrients for the daily functions of the body. Surprisingly, our body doesn’t need so much of calories for its daily functions. You can calculate the daily calorie requirement of the body (BMR), using this link: calculator.net

Eating: We must chew the food properly before swallowing (32 teeth represents how much we must chew).  Allow salivary enzymes to make a paste of the food before swallowing. When we don’t chew the food properly, we don’t feel full and tend to eat more. This is because the stomach only accepts chewed paste, as food for digestion and the rest is regarded as waste.

Diet: We all have a diet, and that is our normal food. The food that our body is accustomed to. Eating our everyday food, in the right amount and at right intervals is the key to a sustainable  healthy eating habit. 🙂

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